Wednesday, March 09, 2005


It is amazing to me, that even after retirement, I continue to receive letters from the “headhunters” attempting to fill their files with “potentials”. I am flattered that someone still feels that I could still be a viable member of the working class.

I had to modify my approach toward “wordings” in my resume and its submission for review. I have elected to use this approach;

It is indeed a pleasure hearing from you. Its been more years than I care to remember since I have had any contact with any Search Agency especially yours. I apologize for my lack of expedient response as I just changed my IPS service Provider. Please note EMail address change.

My Background
I am presently an aging, gray-haired, o'reprobate, retired, receiver of entitlements, a social security recipient, crotchety, arthritic, pot bellied nerd, suffering with excess time on his hands, a member of the male gender, non-functional, with three off springs and seven off, off sprung's, none of whom live within a 700 mile radius.

I was born on the South side of the City of Chicago, the Ogden Hill area, State of Illinois. I was the first of two born. The second arrived 4 years later. I attended Luke O'Tool Public School in the city of Chicago up to the 5th grade. It was then strongly suggested to my parents, in the best interest of the 5th grade class and my personal well being I be placed into a educational institution where a more formal approach toward corporal if not capital corrective disciplines be part of the learning curriculum. The parochial approach at the Saint Mary's of Mount Carmel Catholic School was agreed upon, without input on my part. The Order of Dominican Nuns at St. Mary's were more than happy to receive me into their "fold"! My term in the 5th Grade must have been an enjoyable one as I recall taking it over several times.

Through some "divine" intervention I was allowed to continue my High School education in the public sector. Upon completing the prescribed 4 years, California beckoned and the beckoning was complied with. My initial source of income came from the "parking of cars" in a downtown Los Angeles parking lot. I became a member of the "Galloping Goose" derivative of the Hell's Angels Motor Cycle Enclave. I was stimulated into a different line of employment through the miss-parking and destruction of a customers new Buick convertible.

This new line of productive years were comprised of many years (8) in the Manufacturing arena starting with ITT Gillifilan Bros, a prime contractor for the US Government. My initial duties were that of a person that assembled small electronic parts into complicated Radar Chassis. It was here that I learned to grovel, beg, plead and brown nose my way into a better paying job in the Quality Control Group.

After several various failed employment endeavors I settled in with a company called Potter & Brumfield a division of AMF,INC. Retirement set in from AMF Inc at age 55 where I maintained the title of Director of Manufacturing, at their Scientific Drilling International Division, proof positive that the "Peter Principle" was indeed alive and functioning.

A unplanned act of Greed set in and I was invited to join a Company in the City of Tustin California, The Anello Corporation, as General Manager and Director of MIS. This effort lasted 5.4 years. My desire to retire and smell a couple "roses" prompted me to sell off all real estate holdings, resign my position from the Anello Corporation and retired here in Northern California. This retirement is indeed a success!

During all the above and prior to my retirement, there was a two year stint at Santa Monica City College due to employment pressures. There was a nineteen year marriage that did not take and presently I am enjoying a 30 year classical symbolic marriage, that so far seems to be working out.

Now that you have all the particulars on me, lets let by gones be by gones. What I am doing today is what I want to do tomorrow, I am vigorously attempting to squander the yet to be received inheritance of my heirs. I am one happy contented individual.
My web page contains more information than you will ever need!
WEB Page:

It was indeed my pleasure hearing from you.......


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